Knitted space dogs and other animals!
It's April and Edinburgh Mini Maker Faire is almost upon us and I don't really know where the time has gone since my last post in December! Most of my creative time has been spent learning just what the hacked knitting machine I posted about last time can and can't do. We had a great weekend break in London during February, visiting inspiring exhibitions meeting friends and going to shows. The Cosmonauts exhibition in the Science Museum certainly gave me a lot of immediate inspiration for the machine and is likely to do so for some time to come. I was very taken with the story of Belka and Strelka , (the dogs who came back alive - along with a rabbit, 42 mice and 2 rats!). They went on to be Soviet celebrities with children's books and animated TV series being created as well as a huge souvenir industry. So I'm adding to the souvenirs... That's just a test piece - the yarn turned out to be unsuitable but the colours are good. Some of my other test pie...