Helter Skelter Sleepwalking
Knitting Science Originally uploaded by MadeleineS . Writing, knitting, figuring, crocheting and partying have all featured this week. My life seems to rush by in such a helter skelter fashion that it feels like it'll go on without me if I just stood still. Of course, I don't really believe that so I keep doing stuff anyway and it keeps getting intertwined and confused. I end up exhausted - so much so I don't know how to stop. On Monday, Heather from McAree Bros arrived at my work to collect a big bag of textile maths objects to use in their yarn store window display. So I had a 10 minute art break in the office day. Tuesday saw me at the Roslin Institute for an inspiring workshop on creative non-fiction writing (like this post but soooo much better!) and I've now got a whole new set of ideas that apply to the day job and the arty life. Wednesday evening was time to see where Julia and I would have our stall at Mini Maker Faire in Summerhall in a couple of weeks. Th...