New Studio with stuff in it!

New Studio with stuff in it!
Originally uploaded by MadeleineS.

Well, the move went extremely smoothly thanks to Mike and to Intransit driver Craig. I'd allowed 2 hours for all the faffing around and they had all the stuff in the building in just over 1 hour. A little communication failure over the key meant that it wasn't in the actual studio but that was sorted quickly and meant that we could arrange the layout more easily.

This picture was taken from roughly the same place as the one two posts ago but there's a low book case that stops me from standing further to my left. I'm not set up to start work yet and won't be for a couple of weeks. The Open Studios Weekend is only a few days away so I'll be making it more of a display area first. Work will start in earnest around mid-December and so I might have something worth photographing in the new year.


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